To understand Pakistan a Book which is a Must read for everyone who want to understand what and why of Pakistan. This book explains why partition of India happened and what the main reasons were.
The Partition of India
BR Ambedkar wrote
“Between 1941 and 1945, he published a number of books and pamphlets, including Thoughts on Pakistan, in which he criticized the Muslim League's demand for a separate Muslim state of Pakistan but considered its concession if Muslims demanded so as expedient.[8]
In the above book Ambedkar wrote a sub-chapter titled If Muslims truly and deeply desire Pakistan, their choice ought to be accepted. He wrote that if the Muslims are bent on Pakistan, then it must be conceded to them. He asked whether Muslims in the army could be trusted to defend India. In the event of Muslims invading India or in the case of a Muslim rebellion, with whom would the Indian Muslims in the army side? He concluded that, in the interests of the safety of India, Pakistan should be acceded to, should the Muslims demand it. According to Ambedkar, the Hindu assumption that though Hindus and Muslims were two nations, they could live together under one state, was but a empty sermon, a mad project, to which no sane man would agree.[8] “
To Understand how Muslims in power can never be trusted a must read book is
India Wins Freedom : Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Understand Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was president of Indian Congress and he was the main guy talking to Cabinet Mission which came to India.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad got Gandhi to agree with Cabinet Mission Plan and this was a suicidal plan as in few years Muslims would have got total control over India and Hindus would have been reduced to Dimmis or Slaves in India.
The cleverness with which Maulana Abul Kalam Azad executed this plan can be seen that this betrayal has been hidden in India for last 60 years.
Only after the books of Robert Spencer have been published you can understand the political logic behind Islam and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad knew the logic and by making Indian national congress accept the plan it would have meant India becomes defacto Islamic State.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad knew India.
With 35% Army Muslim and Hindus divided in caste and Center weak as per Cabinet Plan and the democratic structure of India as copied from British would have given the 10 to 15% Muslim population enormous power and also with 30 to 40% Army Muslim slowly but surely Muslims would have gained power. This was stopped by Sardar Patel
understand when you put a Muslim in power this is what happens. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was a nationalist in Indian Congress and Maulana means a person who know the Islamic law.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was the first education Minister of India and this guy changed the History of India which every Indian reads.
Understand the extent of Betrayal a Muslim in Power causes.